- We all know that riding a motorcycle requires skill and practice. At the age of 63 years old why did you even consider purchasing a FAT BOY HARLEY DAVIDSON, one of the heaviest in its range. I guess it could have been a gift ( expensive gift and the only person closest to you that could afford such a gift would be Gemma - maybe she did or maybe she didn't, only you would know if this is true or not) and with all the pressure you have been submised to over the recent years how could you not accept it. Its lucky that on the day of your accident on your way to Kadina that Alan (Gemma Gordons ex Husband) was riding with you and even more lucky that Gemma Gordon was following you both in her vehicle. It must have been horrific for Gemma to see you so close to almost killing yourself.
- I know you lost a leg and smashed your pelvis and it must be hard coping but look at the bright side cob, at least you are still here and at least you are not a vegetable as a lot of bike accidents are responsible for ruining the lives of its riders. I personally couldn't imagine being alive but on paper in the view of the law being PRESUMED DEAD.
- All those millions of dollars that your father Leon gave to you and your daughter Cari (who possibly will be void upon your death or presumed dead) in the form of Leons total Asset Value named the 'RESIDUARY ESTATE' under the name 'THE FUND' with full power and rights to do whatever you please including borrowing money on interest free terms (a good way to pay the people that you owe money too) which is fully detailed in the "WILL OF LEON CLARENCE MACKLIN" document C56757, Schedule 1 on page 6